Just Another Day
It’s a busy morning in the third month of the pandemic. We actually had something to do today and somewhere to go. My husband had to go to the hospital lab for a blood test. It opened at 7 am and we were one of the first people in line at the door. The attendant gave us a green sticker after asking if we have a fever or sore throat. They didn’t even use a forehead thermometer to check us out. We had to sit in the waiting room on socially distanced chairs that had a red X on the floor showing us where to sit. We wore our ‘medical visit clothes’ that we take off when we get home and shower. I brought my “People Magazine” and left it in the waiting room. My guilty pleasure!
The latest bubble to open is Michigan restaurants. After the lab, we went out for breakfast. We socially distanced ourselves at a table with a red X on the floor. The theme of today was X, XX, and XXX. My husband happily ordered a breakfast plate with unlimited coffee. I got a cup of coffee, but only removed my mask for a sip. I cringed when an elderly man walked by coughing with his mask below his nose. Hmmm...even the credit card machine was sanitized with wipes by the cashier. No cash was allowed due to germs. Luckily, there was a bottle of hand gel by the door. I paid the bill and was left wondering if it was enough of a tip for the waitress who was dealing with this new normal.
We needed a breath of fresh air after that scene...literally. We used our season park pass to take a morning hike through the Michigan woods. The playgrounds are open again. The trails were empty except for a group of High School girls running by. They chose to run together but didn’t wear masks or maintain social distance. Peer pressure must be a factor. When I was a teenager, I believed that I would live forever. I cringe at my unhealthy teen habits. I never expected to be a Senior Citizen, but here I am now enjoying the discounts.
The local recycling center is overflowing with pizza boxes, alcohol bottles, and beer cans. The after-effects of home quarantine are being felt around the world. This morning”s headlines listed the states and countries that continue to have Covid19 cases on the rise. The news shows demonstrations to support the Black Movement. Yet, people are determined to return to their former lives. There are boats going by full of people partying and swimming outside our cottage window. There are more cars on the road driving to reopened jobs. There are overflowing garbage cans along the way filled with quarantine refuse. We are optimistic that life will carry on and will return to our new normal. So relax and make the most out of today. Help those inside your bubble to have a better day. Reach out and give what you can to those outside of your bubble. It is just another morning on a sunny, quarantine day.
Very nice.