Got my Shot!
It was not the first time in my life that a shot made me cry. When I was young, I was scared of shots and almost fainted when I got a shot in my teens. Today I cried happy tears getting my first COVID 19 shot! I told the nurse this is the only time I have been happy getting a shot. The big event lasted almost three hours at a huge convention hall Las Vegas-style.
Then I was led to the waiting area for 15 minutes before departure. We had to use a QAR code to schedule a second appointment. The Internet was not working well so I had to do it twice. What a mess! Some people didn’t have a mobile phone and had to share the few available iPads. It felt like I spent more time trying to reschedule than actually getting the shot. I finally got an appointment confirmation and left the crowd behind. I was so relieved and grateful to have success in Round 1. Stay tuned for Round 2.
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