La Vita Costa Rica!
Just another rainy day in the Costa Rican jungle. A huge tree fell over and knocked out the power, Internet, and water nearby. Luckily, we still have power at our bungalow park, but no water. It is going to be a long day in our jungle hideaway. No water means no toilets to flush, no shower, no washing dishes or hands. However, we are fortunate. I do wonder how long this outage will last. It is raining again, but I guess that is life in the Rainforest. How was my rainy day spent? Reading, writing, listening to podcasts, and watching rerun TV shows on my laptop. A sleepy, humid day with humidity and no relief. We finally decided to take a swim, but then it started raining. So here I sit on my laptop again. Did I tell you that I saw two poisonous dart frogs by the pool? They were as small as my fist with vibrant green and white patterned skin. After they emerged from a bush, they sat silently looking a...