La Vita Costa Rica!


        Just another rainy day in the Costa Rican jungle. A huge tree fell over and knocked out the power, Internet, and water nearby. Luckily, we still have power at our bungalow park, but no water. It is going to be a long day in our jungle hideaway. No water means no toilets to flush, no shower, no washing dishes or hands. However, we are fortunate. I do wonder how long this outage will last. It is raining again, but I guess that is life in the Rainforest.

How was my rainy day spent? Reading, writing, listening to podcasts, and watching rerun TV shows on my laptop. A sleepy, humid day with humidity and no relief. We finally decided to take a swim, but then it started raining. So here I sit on my laptop again. Did I tell you that I saw two poisonous dart frogs by the pool? They were as small as my fist with vibrant green and white patterned skin. After they emerged from a bush, they sat silently looking at the swimming pool. Then they crawled up a rock and disappeared into the bushes. Another magic rainforest moment.

I have come to realize that you need to rent a car or be on an organized bus tour to see most of this country. There aren’t a lot of other ways to travel. It is a dangerous place to drive with rough roads and wild drivers. We almost got stuck in the rainforest in a large truck. Luckily, a local jeep was driving by and pulled us out with a chain. Then we had to back out the whole dirt road because there was nowhere to turn around. Wild times in the wilderness.

We walked up the road towards town for dinner and found an outdoor Italian restaurant. As their only customers, we enjoyed pizza and pasta while watching the street activity. There were bikes, motorcycles, and cars full of people returning from the beach. It looks like the beach is the local place to relax, eat, swim, with their families and friends. It is free and healthy. 

Today the sun is shining. The locals are leaving behind their worries and returning to the beach. It is a new day full of hope that Internet and electricity will return. Manana is full of promise and opportunities. La Vita Costa Rica!


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