A View of "The View"
Have you watched the virtual TV version of “The View?” I was in the audience today from the comfort of my living room. It was started at 5:45 am when I logged into the TV virtual audience from my laptop. A comedian named Regina warmed up the audience from her parents’ NYC apartment. She gave us virtual audience tips on how to clap up high by the side of our cheeks so that it shows up on the TV screen. She seemed to know the cast of regular virtual audience members very well. They shared their week's highlights with each other during the pre-show warm-up. One of the audience members invited all of us to a Happy Hour at “The Owl’s Tale” this Friday in NYC. I don’t think I’ll make it from the other side of the country for that social event, but it sounds like fun! Regina explained our role from the comfort of her parents’ study. She asked her parents to share how they met and they got shy. Regina had to keep leaving her computer to go next door to help her parents with ...