Mindful Tips


     I hate waking up in the middle of the night worrying about my day ahead. My heart starts racing thinking of work and my list of things to do. I try to meditate to get back to sleep. Sometimes it works. Actually, researchers have discovered that anxiety helps us to respond to threats. Our brains are wired to process threats more efficiently. How can this help us? One study shows that people with anxiety avoid fatal accidents more often. This makes sense because of our innate fear of dangerous situations. If you think about it, most car accidents are caused by reckless speed and driving. If you are a nervous driver like me, I follow the speed limit and stay in the same lane as much as possible. I don’t care if cars honk at me!

My anxiety led me to get my booster COVID vaccine. It is a perk of being 65 or older. Today was the first day it was available and I waited in a long line at Walgreens. Now I am triply inoculated against COVID. While I was there, I also got my flu shot. I hope that children get their Covid vaccines soon. It will make my public school classroom feel much safer. Everytime a student coughs or sneezes, I cringe. They sneeze into their masks and then ask for a new mask that my school supplies. I only have one mask left in my box. The news says that Covid may be with us forever. Also, a new type of epidemic may come along too. I choose to stay strong and healthy. This is my anti- anxiety mode to stay positive.

I haven’t been able to stop my morning coffee habit as the experts suggest. I need to switch to caffeine free coffee. I just found out my neighbor passed away from Covid. He went into the local hospital and only lived a week. That gives me more  anxiety than a cup of coffee. Stifling your feelings can be counterproductive. Be Mindful. Don’t change the way you live. Don’t suppress your anxiety. Invite anxiety along for the ride. Practice self care which is the opposite of anxiety. Start today with the three M’s made up by me. Maybe I could Make some T-Shirts with these Mindful Tips!

Make a cup of decaf coffee

Make time to exercise




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